
Amphetamines (Adderall, Dexedrine, Speed, Bennies, Uppers)

New Jersey Drug Amphetamines Possession and Distribution Defense Attorneys

Drug Facts About Amphetamines

Amphetamine Brand names: Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse
Street names: Speed, Dex, Dexies, Bennies, Addies, Uppers
Drug Classification: Amphetamines are a Schedule II drug in the US. They are illegal to sell without a DEA license and illegal to possess without a license or prescription.

General Drug Information

Amphetamine is a stimulant drug that increases focus and concentration and decreases appetite and fatigue. Many medications contain amphetamines or metabolize in the body into amphetamines, with their use especially prevalent in the treatment of attention-deficit disorder.

Amphetamines come in pill form with or without an extended release coating. Amphetamines are widely used recreationally, especially as a performance-enhancer used at school or work. Amphetamines are also used in the military by fighter pilots to stay awake on long mission, as well as by truck drivers and other workers. Amphetamines may stunt growth in children, and special care should be used when treating children with amphetamine medications.

While amphetamines are often used as a study or work aid, their recreational use is prevalent at parties and in the rave scene. This has had dangerous consequences, causing many pills purported to be MDMA to contain amphetamines, resulting either in unexpected effects or a dangerous combination of drugs that can damage the dopamine receptors in the brain. Taking amphetamines after taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) may intensify the effects of amphetamines up to six times what would be normal.

Effects and Side Effects

Amphetamines produce increased wakefulness, alertness, and sociability in users. They are also known to commonly cause restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. Some users may become aggressive, paranoid, and otherwise hostile or bizarre.

Common side effects include headache, insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth, and appetite suppression/weight loss. Less common effects may include drying of the mucous membranes in the nose, drying of the skin and itchiness, overheating and sweating, and agitation.

More serious side effects like irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure (can appear as severe headaches, chest pain, blurred vision, and numbness), muscle twitches, hallucinations, and tremors are rare and warrant medical attention.

Amphetamine Overdose

Responses to amphetamines vary widely from individual to individual. In some, a 30 mg dose can be fatal, while other people survived doses of over 400 mg. An overdose of amphetamines can be fatal and also requires immediate medical attention.

Overdose symptoms include muscle twitching, rapid breathing, panic, paranoia, fever or flu symptoms, uneven heartbeat, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, and fainting. Tolerance to amphetamine develops rapidly in recreational use and more slowly in medical use.

Addiction and Withdrawal Symptoms

Physical and mental dependence may develop from amphetamines, with users needing the drug to ever feel fully awake, focused, or happy. Ending use of amphetamines can cause withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, prolonged sleep, severe hunger, irritability, nightmares, depression, and anxiety.

Amphetamine withdrawal symptoms can be treated in a controlled environment with some antidepressants, sedatives, and anti-psychotic medications.

Sources: – Amphetamines – Amphetamine Drug Guide – Adderall Drug Facts – Vyvanse Drug Facts – Prescription Drugs – Adderall – Amphetamines – Dangers and Side Effects