

Oxycodone Possession, Prescription Drug Defense Attorneys in New Jersey

Prescription Drug Information About Oxycodone

Brand names – Percocet, Percodan Oxycontin, Oxydose, Roxicodone, Tylox

Street names – Percs, Oxy, Oxies, O.C.’s, Roxies

Drug Classification: Oxycodone is a Schedule II substance in the US and is illegal to buy or posses without a license or prescription.

General Information

Oxycodone is a partially synthetic opiate painkiller similar to morphine. It is available in both single-ingredient form and in compound products mixed with other chemicals such as acetaminophen/paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin.

Combining Oxycodone with alcohol is very dangerous and can lead to a shutdown on the central nervous system and respiratory system.

Oxycodone comes in capsules and tablets ranging from 5 mg to 30 mg, though 40 and 80 mg extended-release dose tablets exist as well. Oxycodone tablets are generally taken orally, though they are often crushed or ground up to remove the pill’s extended-release coating, but this can be very dangerous as it causes the drug to released all at once into the body.

Physical Effects

Oxycodone is known to produce feelings of relaxation and well-being, euphoria, and drowsiness. Common physical effects include sweating, impairment and slowed reaction time, weakness, pupil constriction, constipation, nausea, itching, dizziness, and dry mouth. Oxycodone is highly physically and mentally addictive, and tolerance builds up quickly, resulting in the need for higher doses to get the same effects. Common overdose symptoms are cold or clammy skin, pinpoint pupils, shallow breathing, slow heart rate, and confusion or fainting. Withdrawal symptoms from Oxycodone are severe and are best dealt with at a drug rehabilitation clinic or under the supervision of a doctor. They include aches and pains, insomnia, vomiting, tremors, anxiety, headache, diarrhea, runny nose, fever, and other flu-like symptoms.

Ground up or crushed Oxycodone tablets that are snorted (insufflated) or smoked can cause the drug to enter the body incredibly fast. This increases the intensity of effects, with an accompanying increase in addiction danger. Snorting anything can damage the mucous membranes and the nasal cavity, and risks increase with heavy and frequent use.

Users that smoke Oxycodone generally use strips of tin foil to melt the drug and inhale the fumes that are released. Common signs of Oxycodone abuse are strips of tin foil with black residue or “skid marks”, multiple lighters, hose clamps or other means of crushing the pills, and green marks on clothing from licking of the pill and subsequent wiping on clothing to rub the outer coating of the pill off.
